{% set form_children %}
{% set label %}
{% include '@bolt-components-form/form-label.twig' with {
title: 'Email Address',
displayType: 'floating',
attributes: {
for: 'email-address',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set input %}
{% include '@bolt-components-form/form-input.twig' with {
attributes: {
placeholder: 'Enter email address',
required: true,
type: 'email',
id: 'email-address',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-form/form-element.twig' with {
label: label,
children: input,
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set submit_button %}
{% include '@bolt-components-form/form-button.twig' with {
text: 'Sign Up Now',
type: 'submit'
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-components-list/list.twig' with {
display: 'inline',
spacing: 'xsmall',
align: 'start',
valign: 'start',
items: [
} only %}